Gay Malin's Home Page

Sculpture, Prints, Mixed Media and Facial Reconstructions


Juggling My Thoughts

I am
Walls Internal and External
Exploring the Why of Being
Others take your story and exchange
their thoughts for yours.
Shadows walk: Nothing is fixed in time or space.
What is, isn't. What isn't may be.
Disquietude: A sense of foreboding,
anxiety, agitation, angst......
The many outward appearances of the self.
Does life imitate art, or does art imitate life?
The "Theory of Everything". A complete, unified,
and consistent description of the fundamental
structure of our universe.
There are different ways to "be".
We are constantly rising and falling
and losing bits of ourselves.
Thoughts on society and its impact.
We are tied and bound to each other.
If you live long enough
everything will happen to you.
How are we defined and by whom?
How will we be remembered--does it matter?
What is remembered of a person when he/she has died.
An old technique that exchanges silver for graphite.
Facial reconstructions and other work done
while employed at the New York State Museum.